03. Pricing Service Code

Pricing Service Code

You'll find the code related to our oricing service in the pricing-service folder. It serves as a REST WebService that simulates a backend to store and retrieve the price of a given vehicle. In the project, you will convert it to be a microservice registered through a Eureka server.

Let's take a quick look through the included files, only certain files of which you will need to implement. Note that every package is within com.udacity, so we won't include that part of the package name below.



This launches the Pricing Service as a Spring Boot application.



This is our actual REST controller for the application. This implements what a GET request will respond with - in this case, a randomly generated price gathered from the PricingService. Once converted to a microservice, the Controller should not be explicitly necessary.



This declares the Price class, primarily just made of the private variables currency, price and vehicleId.


This repository provide a type of data persistence while the web service runs, namely the ID->price pairing generated by the PricingService.



This creates a PriceException that can be thrown when an issue arises in the PricingService.


The Pricing Service does most of the legwork of the code. Here, it creates a mapping of random prices to IDs, as well as the method (in our mock service here) to generate the random prices. Once converted to a microservice, the Service should not be explicitly necessary.